
Community First Health Co-op

COMMUNITY FIRST HEALTH CO-OP / Community First Health Co-op

  Hop to IT!   Session Descriptions and Scheduling    Saturday, April 8th, 2017 10:30   Flourishing through Mindfulness- Sonya Franke, Certified Mindfulness Educator   Join Sonya Franke, certified mindfulness educator to learn simple yet effective techniques to increase present moment awareness, helping to cultivate healthy habits of heart, mind and body.  Scientists are calling mindfulness, “Brain Hygiene”.  Mindfulness offers us a way to...

It is cold outside these days but a warming trend is on theway!! Some of the Board were talking about how they do not recall such a long stretch of cold weather.  We do enjoy the sun and blue skies and white mountain tops, though we do say, looking out your window, is definitely preferred...

Community First Health Co-op is proud to be part of a co-operative movement that is alive and flourishing in the Kootenay region. With over 25 co-ops in the area, we are the only health co-op and as such we hold a special place in the B.C. Health Co-operative Association.  The dream to offer an integrated approach...

What Makes a Community Health Centre?That's one of the core questions Nicole Chammartin asks, in her latest blog, in which she shares her reflections on the two-day Canadian Association of Community Health Centres  annual general meeting summit which took place last week in Winnipeg.Nicole is Executive Director of Klinic Community Health and Sexuality Education Resource...

Is it really summer? Summer is here? Well we have sun, rain, thunder, lightning and wind on a daily basis BUT we hope whether you on in the air or on water or land that you are being active and taking time to soak in the ambience of summer in the Kootenay’s. The CFHC board...